Flair Hotel




Hauptstraße 19
DE – 59909 Bestwig
+49 2904 97100

Located in the heart of the Sauerland region, we are looking forward to your visit with creative hospitality, culinary delicacies and diverse ways of making your holiday unforgettable. Enjoy wellness in our natural spa with aromatic saunas, massages and much more. Our kitchen combines the finest craftsmanship with creativity. Sunny hours spent in our garden complex with a natural bathing lake are simply a dream – what an unusual pleasure in the Sauerland!

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Hiking, cycling, skiing and more – discover the Sauerland

The Ruhrtalradweg cycle path, which was opened in 2006, is only 500m away from the Flair Hotel Nieder. Cycling or hiking are the best ways to explore the picturesque setting. It’s up to you whether you conquer the Ruhrtalradweg in one go or in smaller stages. The Flair Hotel Nieder is the district for skiers from Winterberg and Willingen. Overfilled hotels in Winterberg? No more hotel beds free in Willingen? Then we’re your alternative. Our hotel is in easy reach of the popular ski resorts in the Sauerland. We promise you deep rest and infinite relaxation during a visit to our wellness area. Our facilities, from the cabin sauna to the natural swimming pool, offer every comfort and help you relax and enjoy your holiday.

<p>Unsere Heimat, das Sauerland zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch unser Haus. Jedes Zimmer hat Bezug zu den Elementen Wald, Berge, Flüsse und Schiefer.</p>

<p>Josef and Christine Nieder</p>

Pit Light Dinner – Your Mining Experience

A dinner experience

A lamp-lit dinner in the mine – enjoy a meal underground with Flair Hotel Nieder. Experience a culinary highlight: a meal in the mine 300 metres below ground in the middle of the Sauerland – the Flair Hotel Nieder invites you to join us and explains the old tradition in the Sauerland.

Meeting rooms with the highest level of comfort

The team at Flair Hotel Nieder in Sauerland offers you optimal conditions for successful meetings, meetings and seminars. Small, fine rooms offer you a unique atmosphere with high-quality equipment. The innovative conference technology makes your meeting a success – here everything is at its finest. They sit on high-quality leather chairs, find sockets at each table, and magnetic wallpaper on the walls. Do you have an idea? Put them on paper and just hang them on the wall. You work on the computer and want to share your colleagues? Plug the Clickshare into each of your laptops via USB and switch between different presenters in seconds – whoever is on it presses on his clickshare and your screen becomes visible on the screen – just awesome!

Choose your perfect meeting room now and ask directly in-house.

<p>Westfeld - 42 m²</p>

<p>Westfeld is our perfect space for smaller groups: We can offer you the following seating options:<br>- Block: 10 persons - U-Shape: 12 persons - Parliament: 12 persons - Chair circle: 12 persons</p>

<p>Stüppel - 52 m²</p>

<p>The meeting room ''Stüppel'' is perfect for middle groups up to 20 people. We can implement the following seating for you: Block up to 15 people - U-shape up to 20 people - Parliament up to 16 people - Chair circle up to 20 people.</p>

<p>Losenberg - 63 m²</p>

<p>Our meeting room Rosenberg offers you a lot of space for medium groups up to 20 people on 63 m2. We can provide the following types of seating in this high-quality seminar room for you: Block: up to 20 people - U-shape up to 12 people - Parliament up to 18 people - Chair circle up to 16 people.</p>

<p>Meeting rooms Westfeld &amp; Buchholz combined - 102 m2</p>

<p>Combined, our two rooms ''Westfeld &amp; Buchholz'' offer plenty of natural light on 102 m2. With parliamentary seating, you can accommodate 50 people. In U-shape or in chair circle you can comfortably meet with up to 35 people, and we are also happy to provide block seating for up to 32 people.</p>

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Number of rooms

35 rooms


  • lift
  • Non
  • reception
  • safe
  • parking lot
  • Free Wi-Fi

Wellness in the source power natural SPA.

  • Wellness room
  • Massages
  • Ayurvedic massages
  • Basic massages
    Sound therapy
  • Cosmetic treatments
  • Steam bath (45°C)

  • Aroma sauna (60°C)
  • Wellness showers
  • spacious relaxation area with fireplace
  • separate application rooms
  • Outdoor area with
  • Cabin sauna (85 °C)
    large, clear swimming pondwell-kept garden 


  • Buffet breakfast
  • Restaurant
  • Vegetarian cuisine
  • Overnight stay with breakfast
  • Overnight stay with half board
  • Banquet options


  • Innovative conference technology
  • Click Share
  • powerful beamer
  • Sound system
  • Conventional conference technology
  • Walls
  • Moderator’s case
  • Microphone system
  • height-adjustable flipcharts
  • neigbable canvases
  • overhead projector
  • 3 different conference packages



The Sauerland is the first region to be crowned a “Quality Hiking Region” and with the Sauerland Hiking Villages or the Sauerland-Höhenflug offers first-class hiking routes with wonderful panoramic views. To be accurate, the total of 2,711 mountains over 400 m high provide a unique backdrop. In summer, cycling enthusiasts enjoy themselves on the Sauerland-Radring just as much as the water sports enthusiasts on the large reservoirs. Im Winter lockt mit der Wintersport-Arena Sauerland das größte Skigebiet nördlich der Alpen, und hochkarätige Sportveranstaltungen auf der Skisprungschanze Willingen sowie der Bob-, Rennrodel- und Skeletonbahn in Winterberg sind Publikumsmagneten.


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Kurzurlaub in der Woche (So-Mi)

Kurzurlaub in der Woche (So-Mi)

3 Nächte ab 377 €

Sie haben Lust auf einen "Tapetenwechsel", aber nicht viel Zeit? Sie wollen "einfach mal raus" und etwas anderes erleben? Gerne auch in einer landschaftlich reizvollen Umgebung mit …

Kurzurlaub in der Woche (So-Do)

Kurzurlaub in der Woche (So-Do)

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Sie haben Lust auf einen "Tapetenwechsel", aber nicht viel Zeit? Sie wollen "einfach mal raus" und etwas anderes erleben? Gerne auch in einer landschaftlich reizvollen Umgebung mit …

Kurzurlaub in der Woche (So-Fr)

Kurzurlaub in der Woche (So-Fr)

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„Sauerländer Winterauszeit“

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  • Chef Josef Nieder explains in the video how to simply cook and peel white asparagus and reveals valuable tricks that make work easier. For the perfect asparagus enjoyment at home too....

  • Hiking in the Sauerland - the Flair Hotel Nieder in Bestwig-Ostwig offers guided and digitized hikes...

  • OCHSENFURT, March 2021 - At the Flair Hotel Nieder you can experience a unique event with a combination of e-biking and sailing....

  • Take some time out, do something good for your body, increase your personal well-being and simply lie back and relax – something we rarely have time for in our busy lives. This is why it’s so important to purposefully enjoy some down time and regain your inner balance. Wellness is the keyword here....


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